Coelopleurus exquisitus sp. nov. Coppard & Schultz 2006

Family: Arbaciidae

Order: Arbacioida

Locality: New Caledonia, 450 m,

Dimensions:26 Ø x 16  mm

Locality: New Caledonia, 450 m,

Dimensions:36 Ø x 23  mm

After the erronous and confusing taxa C. interruptus and C. maculatus used by sellers and collectors a new examination was necessary. This work has been carried out by Dr. Simon Coppard from the Natural Historic Museum, London, and Heinke Schultz, the author of "Sea Urchins".

As result they present a new species Coelopleurus exquisitus, different from all other known species. The result with a detailed description and pictures have been forwarded to the International Commision on Zoological Nomenclature. Dr. Coppard was so kind, to send me the paper

A new species of Coelopleurus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea, Arbaciidae) from New Caledonia

19 pages, published 7 Aug. 2006 in ZOOTAXA 1281: 1-19, Magnolia Press

The article is highly recommendable, because it contains not only the detailed description and an overview of the most important features compared with such of other known Coelopleurus species, but also excellent colour photos from a complete urchin, a denuded test and spine and pedicellariae details and last not least scanning electron micrographs of spine sections and pedicellariae.

Mortensen old key for Coelopleurus (see below) is now incomplete.


Key to the recent species of the genus Coelopleurus (after Mortensen)




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Primary spines banded with red or purpish bands
Primary spines usually not banded




Bands of primary spines red
Bands of primary spines purplish

C.maculatus, p. 631



Ophicephalous pedicellariae common
No ophicephalous pedicellariae, except on buccal plates

C.maillardi, p. 627
C.granulatus, p. 635



Naked interambulacral spaces bordered by white
Naked interambulacral spaces bordered by red

C. interruptus, p. 626



Primary spines straight
Primary spines curved

C.vittatus, p. 625



Valves of ophicephalous pedicellariae constricted
Valves of ophicephalous pedicellariae not constricted




No witish or purplish undulating median line in naked interambulacral area
A conspicious witish or purplish undulating median line in naked interambulacral area

C.floridanus, p. 612



Undulating median line purplish

Undulating median line witish

C.undulatus var. polymorphus, p. 625



Naked merian area sharply limited against lateral parts

Naked merian area not sharped limited against lateral parts

C.undulatus var. ruber, p. 624
C.undulatus, p. 622



Numerous tubercles on lateral parts of interambulacra; primary spines gray-brown, with a greenish tinge, passing into red

Few tubercles on lateral parts of interambulacra; primary spines red or witish

C.australis, p. 627

C.longicollis, p. 619